In your 40s and 50s
You’re in your 40s or 50s and know that you should really be thinking about putting something aside for the future.
But it’s hard.
The mortgage and bills have to be paid, the children are a constant drain on your bank account and we all want to do nice things in life; holidays abroad, new cars, days out with the children. It’s a combination that means planning for the future, particularly your retirement, often slips down your ‘to do list’.
Having said that, just because life is busy, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take some time to plan your financial future. There are many reasons why our clients get in touch with us:
- Wanting to move to a new house and therefore needing a mortgage
- Realising that your family would be financially exposed if you or your partner were to die or become ill
- Having children and making changes to your personal finances to reflect the added responsibility that parenthood brings
- Changing job and needing to understand how the different package of benefits will affect you
- Considering a move into self-employment or running your own business and wondering how that will impact on your personal finances
- Being confused about the existing pensions you have and the income they will provide to you in retirement
- Wanting to start taking retirement planning seriously. We often find that after a ‘significant’ birthday, our clients suddenly start to think about the future and accept that one day they will want to retire and that this period of their life needs careful planning
- Inheriting money and then understanding the best things to do with it
Each and every one of my clients has different financial needs, objectives and goals. They therefore need bespoke advice, and that’s exactly what they get from me.
If you would like to chat, please complete the form below and I’ll get in touch.