Already retired

If you’ve already finished work you might be forgiven for thinking that your financial life is going to be simpler. That’s not necessarily true.

Many of my clients have already retired and they still have many financial concerns and challenges, including:

  • Did you make the right decisions with your pension when you retired?
  • Can you use the Pension Freedom rules to improve your financial position?
  • Do you have enough income to meet your outgoings and live the life you want to in retirement?
  • Is inflation eroding your income?
  • How can you improve the return on your savings given that interest rates are low and inflation relatively high?
  • Are your investments held in the right place?
  • Will the income you are taking from your pensions last for the rest of your life and that of your spouse?
  • Is your estate large enough that it will be caught by Inheritance Tax, reducing the amount you can leave to your loved one?
  • How can you ensure that your assets are passed to your loved one?
  • Can you afford to help your children and grandchildren financially without causing you financial hardship in the future?
  • Will you be able to afford the cost of care, should you need it?

Just because you have retired, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a financial plan to help you enjoy your retired years.

A bespoke plan will help you do all the things in retirement you want to; and mean you don’t look back in old age with regret.

I’m here to help, feel free to complete the form below and I’ll be in touch.

In your 40s and 50s

You’re in your 40s or 50s and know that you should really be thinking about putting something aside for the future.

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Close to retirement

Retirement could last 20, 30, even 40 years; that’s a long time and takes careful preparation and planning.

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Already retired

If you’ve already finished work you might be forgiven for thinking that your financial life is going to be simpler.

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